يا تاكسي حود عشان أبكي على الأطلال
شارعين و في التالت يبقى اكسر يمين في شمال
في عيادة على الناصية يافطتها نيون أزرق
و كشك مقفول قصادو مكوجي و بقال
مفضلش في الحي إلا عرستين شبهة
وقط مخبر كأنو بيبص من جرنال
مفضلش من بيت حبيبتي إلا حبل غسيل
ثابت على البلكونة في موقعه مازال
دي حكمة الدنيا في الشعر الرومانسي يا بيه
حبل الغسيل سابقا كان اسمو حبل وصال
قالولي اكتب عن الشعر اللي بالك فيه
قلتلهم العشق علة لا يصيب البال
عمرك سمعت بني آدم في بالو يحب
لازم يطب و حبايبو يقولو عنو شوال
العشق علة تصيب المرء في ودانو
يفضل مبلم ولا يسمع كلام يتقال
تقولو دي حمارة يا ابني يقول دي بغل أبيض
وفرق واضح كبير بين حمير و بغال
ان شالله خلة سنان ملفوفة في كلينكس
ان شالله دبابة لو مشيت يقوم زلزال
شوف الأحبة على الكورنيش و في التحرير
شاشة خيال ظل فيها أغرب الأشكال
أسمر وشعرو لاكيه أصفر
ومحبوبتو حجاب عليه بنطلون ضيق مفيش إشكال
وآنسة أنفها من منجزات العهد
ستين تلم يقولولها رايحة فين يا غزال
يمكن بيتريقوا لكنها واثقة
ان كان خطيبها انتحر من حسنها القتال
خطيبها معذور ما هو يا هي يا الحيطة
و الحيطة في طوابير برضو عليها طوال
إن كانت أجمل شوية من الشاويش برعي
تلقى أبوها طليعي و مشيها بطال
لكنها برضو بتلاقي اللي يعشقها
وكل فولة كما تعلم لها كيال
العشق شغال في مصر برغم بلاويها
يمكن مفيش إلا هو في البلد شغال
يا صاحبي حب ولو كان الحبيب تعبان
هتفصلو وانت لاترزي ولا مثال
ما مصر كانت بهية أصبحت بتعة
بتنتع النتعة توقع في الصحاري جبال
ركبها واجعاها من وقفتها في التواريخ
تنوي الصلاة في رجب تركع على شوال
مفضلش من مصر إلا لمعة في عينيها
ودقة على الدقن مش باينة نجوم و هلال
كبرت و أعصابها باظت قاعدة على الناصية
تحدف على الخق طوب عمال على بطال
لكن أهو تعمل ايه يعني هتكرهها
خدها كدة وربنا يعينك على الأهوال
العشق زي الهوى مليان عوادم بس
لو يوم قفشت عليه راح تتخنق في الحال
يا مصر قومي هنتمشى على الكورنيش
حبي انهاردة و بكرة يحلها الحلال
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Destination Firdous Insha Allah - Ramadan Message
In Ramadan Paradise opens its doors, Hell closes its and Satans are chained
Arfajah said "We were with `Utbah ibn Farqad while he was discussing Ramadan. A companion of the Prophet entered upon the scene. When `Utbah saw him, he became shy and stopped talking. The man [the companion] spoke about Ramadan, saying "I heard the Messenger of Allah say during Ramadan: "The gates of Hell are closed, the gates of Paradise are opened, and the devils are in chains. An angel calls out : 'O you who intend to do good deeds, have glad tidings. O you who intend to do evil, refrain, until Ramadan is completed. [Ahmad and an-Nasa'i]
Fasting in Ramadan; a shield from Hell
The Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said : "When Allah created Paradise and Hell-fire, He sent Jibreel [Gabriel] to Paradise, saying: Look at it and at what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants. The Prophet (S) said: So he came to it and looked at it and at what Allah had prepared therein for its inhabitants. The Prophet (S) said: So he returned to Him and said: By your glory, no one hears of it without entering it. So He ordered that it be encompassed by forms of hardship, and He said: Return to it and look at what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants. The Prophet (S) said: So he returned to it and found that it was encompassed by forms of hardship. Then he returned to Him and said: By Your glory, I fear that no one will enter it. He said: Go to Hell-fire and look at it and what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants, and he found that it was in layers, one above the other. Then he returned to Him and said: By Your glory, no one who hears of it will enter it. So He ordered that it be encompassed by lusts [or desires]. Then He said: Return to it. And he returned to it and said: By Your glory, I am frightened that no one will escape from entering it. [at-Tirmithi and al-Hakim among others].
Therefore, when you know, O Dear Sister, that fasting subdues the desires and reduces their severity, and that it is these desires and lusts that lead to Hell Fire, then you will see how fasting comes between a fasting person and Hell Fire and you will rush to fast in Ramadan and after Ramadan in the best possible way.
Al-Qur'an rather talks about the reward of fasting and there are verses which general meaning infers that those who obey Allah will be saved from Hell, and fasting is a form of obeying Allah. We will leave the verses that talk about the reward to the section related to Paradise. However, the Ahadith of our beloved Prophet Mohammad, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, are clear in this regard;
Abu Said al-Khudri reported that the Messenger of Allah, said: "No servant fasts on a day in the path of Allah except that Allah removes the Hell Fire seventy years further away from his face." [Bukhari and Muslim] Abu Sa`eed al-Khudri relates that the Messenger of Allah salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said : "Fasting is a shield with which a servant protects himself from the Fire" [Ahmad, Sahih]
`Uthman Ibn Abil-`Aas relates that the Messenger of Allah salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said : "Whoever fasts a day in the way of Allah, Allah places between him and the Fire a trench like that between heavens and the earth". [at-Tirmithi and at-Tabarani, sahih]
Abu Huraira narrated that Allah's Messenger, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said : "When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained." [Bukhari]
The Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said : "When it is the first night of Ramadan the evil devils are chained. The gates of Fire are locked- not a single gate is opnened, and the gates of Paradise are opened- not a single gate is locked, and a caller calls out :'O seeker of good come forward, and O seeker of evil withhold, and there are many whom Allah frees from the Fire - and that is every night. [at-Tirmithi, Ibn Majah, and Ibn Khuzaimah : Hasan]
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, climbed upon the mimbar (pulpit) and said: "Aameen [O Allah grant it], aameen, aameen". So it was said, "O Messenger of Allah, you climbed upon the mimbarand said : "aameen, aameen, aameen"? So he said :"Jibraa'eel, `alaihi assalam, came to me and said, 'Whoever reaches the month of Ramadan and does not have [his sins] forgiven and so enters Fire, then may Allah distance him, say aameen". So I said "aameen". [Ibn Khuzaimah, Ahmad and al-Baihaqui : Sahih]
Jabir,radhiya Allahu `anhu relates that the Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said :"In every day and every night, during the month of Ramadan, there are people to whom Allah grants freedom from the Fire, and there is for every Muslim a supplication which he can make and will be granted". [al-Bazzaar, Ahmad and Ibn Majah; Sahih]
In the famous hadith of Mu`ath ... I said O Messenger of Allah, tell me of an act which will take me into Paradise and keep me away from Hell-Fire. He said: you have asked me about a major matter, yet it easy for him for whom Allah Almighty makes it easy. You should ..., You should fast in Ramadan .... Then he (the Prophet) said : shall I not show you the gates of goodness ? Fasting is a shield ...[at-Tirmithi]
We pray to Allah to make for us this Ramadan a shield from Hell Fire.
Posted by Abdelmonem at 3:37 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 30, 2010
جحدم -أسيوط 2008

Posted by Abdelmonem at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: ذكريات من الزمن اللي فات
Thursday, April 30, 2009
داليا أول مسلمة بالبيت الأبيض
أدخل الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما الباحثة المسلمة الأمريكية من أصل مصري "داليا مجاهد" إلى مجلسه الاستشاري الخاص بالأديان المكون من ممثلي 25 طائفة وشخصيات علمانية، لتكون بذلك أول مسلمة محجبة تشغل منصبًا من هذا النوع في البيت الأبيض.
Posted by Abdelmonem at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Quote From Salahuddin Ayyubi
Abu Shamma, Kitab arRawadatain
"We hope in Allah Most High, to whom be Praise. Who leads the hearts
of Muslims to calm what torments them and ruins their prosperity. Where is
the sense of honor of the Muslims? The pride of the Believers? The zeal of
the Faithful? We shall never cease to be amazed at how the disbelievers
for their part have shown trusts, and it is the Muslims who have been lacking in
zeal. Not one of them has responded to the call. Not one intervenes to
straighten what is distorted; but observe how far the Franks have gone. What
unity they have achieved. What aims they pursue. What help they have given. What
sums of money they have borrowed and spent. What wealth they have collected and
distributed and divided amongst them. There is not a king left in their
lands or islands, not a lord or a rich man who has not competed with his
neighbors to produce more support and rival his peers in strenuous military
efforts. In defense of their religion they consider it a small thing to spend
life and soul; and they have kept their infidel brothers supplied with arms and
champions of war; and all they have done and all their generosity has been done
purely out of zeal for him they worship in jealous defense of their faith.
The Muslims on the other hand are weakened and demoralized; they have become
negligent and lazy, the victims of unproductive stupefaction and completely
lacking in enthusiasm. If, Allah forbid, Islam should draw reign, obscure
her splendor, blunt her sword there would be no one, east or west, far or near
who would blaze the zeal for Allah's religion, or choose to come to the aid of
Truth against Falsehood. This is the moment to cast off laziness, to summon from
far and near all those men who have blood in their veins; but we are confident
[He speaks about himself and the small party of believers who began with him and
then became a large party]; but we are confident thanks to Allah- alhamdulillah-
in the help that will come from him and entrust ourselves to him in sincerity of
purpose and deepest devotion. InshaAllah, InshaAllah the disbelievers shall
perish and the Faithful have a sure deliverance.
Salahuddin Ayyubi12th century
Posted by Abdelmonem at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Amr Khaled Interview: Muslim Green Guide
An interview with the Egyptian speaker, Amr Khaled (عمرو خالد صناع الحياة), about the launch of a new booklet titled: "Muslim Green Guide to Reducing Climate Change". Download the guide here
Posted by Abdelmonem at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Doing everything with "ihsan"
We are often reminded by khateebs and imams to do things to the best of our ability. And, we often respond by nodding our heads and thinking, “when is he going to stop talking?”
But, the real issue at hand is not whether we know doing our best is important, but rather “how do we know we are doing, or did, our best?”
Before I answer that question, why is this important to know?
Imagine yourself standing on the Day of Judgment. For as far as you can see, there is an ocean of people, packed close together. There’s hardly any room to move. You stand on your toes, trying to figure out where you are and what is going on, hoping to get a glimpse of something to give you comfort. The most shocking of all in this intense scene is that, in this immense crowd of people, there is a deathly silence, filled with fear, as you see the angels in the distance carrying the thrown of Allah.
Ask yourself, what side are you standing on?
Allah (SWT) illustrates in surah Waqiah (56), the frightful scene on the Day of Judgment, and what will become of the Earth. After which, He (SWT) says that the people will be separated in to three groups. There will be those on the right, who will eventually being entering Paradise, and only Allah knows best as to how long they will be spending in Hellfire. With regard to those on the left, what will be their state? It will be as if their skin is hung from their bones like coats are hung on hooks, as they stare up at the awesome throne of Allah and dread what is about to become of them.
Then, there is that one group separated from the rest. Allah describes them as the sabiqoon, the foremost. They will be those who strove to be the foremost in this life, to be the foremost in the Hereafter, honored by being placed in the same ranks as the Prophets of Allah.
So, ask yourself, “which side are you on?”
The scholars define ihsan as the concept of performing an act in the best way possible, achieving peak performance.
We know we did our best when we know we’ve fulfilled each one of the characteristics of peak performance.
In the upcoming posts, I’ll be discussing each characteristic, individually.
Something to act upon: For you, what does it feel like to achieve peak performance? (Please, post your responses below so that others may benefit.)
Posted by Abdelmonem at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Building Muslim Leaders
Peak Performance- Intro.
I begin in the name of Allah.
(Note: I will be interchangeably using “peak performance”, excellence, and ihsan.)
There are many ayaat of the Quran and ahadeeth of the Prophet (SAW) that refer to ihsan. I chose the following hadeeth, because it is the most explicit.
As narrated by Abu Ya’la Shaddad bin Aws (RA): He narrates the Messenger of Allah (SAW) as saying “Verily, Allah prescribed excellence in all things.”
Usually when excellence, or ihsan, is referred to, we assume that it is in regards to how we stand in salah, or some other religious act. However, the excellence that is required of us goes beyond the typical devotional acts that we do on a daily basis. In fact, excellence goes beyond any physical act, because an act that is considered to be excellent for one person may be a simple, or even lazy, effort for someone else. Rather, excellence is a mindset to be achieved as often as possible.
“Peak performances are those magic moments [when] it all [comes] together- both physically and mentally. The performance is exceptional, seemingly transcending ordinary levels… They are the ultimate high, the thrilling moment that [people] work for in their pursuit of excellence.” - Viki Crane and Jean Williams, sports psychologists
“Trying to articulate the zone is not easy because it’s such an indescribable feeling. That moment doesn’t happen often, and when it does happen, you feel like you’re playing out of your head! You aren’t feeling any tension or any pressure and physically your strokes are just flowing, every ball you hit is going in. Emotionally you’re really calm. There’s no strain involved. It’s a euphoric feeling. The feeling that whatever you touch turns to gold. Whatever you do, whatever decision you make on the court, whatever stroke or shot you try, you know it’s going to work.“- Chris Evert, Tennis Champion
In no way am I saying that these non-Muslims realized what ihsan is or achieved it. What I want you to recognize, however, is that they understood what it means to perform at the highest level.
In this series, I will be discussing the psychological aspects of building and retaining an attitude of excellence, by discussing the following topics:
- the importance of doing everything with ihsan
- high self-confidence
- total commitment
- strong performance focus
- coping well with stress
- coping well with distractions
- optimistic, positive attitude
- high personal standards
- well developed competitive plans
- control emotions and remaining appropriately activated
- viewing anxiety as beneficial
- setting performance goals
Something to act upon: Describe in detail one instance where you achieved peak performance. (Please, post your responses below so that others may benefit.)
Posted by Abdelmonem at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Building Muslim Leaders
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Microsoft summer Internship 2009
Today when i was checking any avilable internships in egypt to post it on my INTERNSHIP FACEBOOK GROUP and Internship temp BLOG. i saw that microsoft egypt receive resumes before end of february so it's a big opportunity to join such intern.
i remmber someone called rowaa and its post about MS internship i read its post again. i have some questions come to my mind
the answer were as follows:
> the technical assessment is based on ur CV mostly, while the assessment exam is based more on your personal skills
> which means don't expect to go to be asked wt's OOP
> instead, you will be put in a group & asked to make a presentation as a team work about bla bla bla
> they evaluate you as a person who has high communication & presentation skills..
> upon their measurments of how good you are in team work, communication skills, presentation skills , you get chosen
> upon your CV & technical skills, you go to the assesment exam..
Thank you Roaa and Jazakom allahu khairan
Posted by Abdelmonem at 1:32 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Every moment, every second
Every moment, every second....
While youare reading this, in every passing second...
Every second
8.000 000
8 million cells die in your body.
8.000 000
8 million cells are created instead of the ones that are dead
Each cell forms approximatley 2000 proteins.
More than 2.5 million red blood cells are produced in your body,
your heart pumps 83 ccm of blood.
The blood in the aorta vein is carried 33cm away.
5000 nerve cells are produced in an embaryo in the mother's stomach.
10.000 signals are transmitted from a single nerve fiber.
4 babies are born.
2 people die.
The light that starts its way from the moon, reaches your eyes.
Every foton coming from the sun covers 300.000 km. distance in the space.
16 million tons of water evaporate and rise up to the sky, 16 million tons of rain falls down
616 million tons of hydrogen is transformed to
612 million tons of helium.
100 lightning flash strike the world,
" In wahtever business thou mayest be, and whatever portion thou mayest be reciting from the Qur'an, -and whatever deed ye (mankind) may be doing , -We are witnesses thereof when ye are deeply engrossed therein. Nor is hidden from thy Lord (so much as) the weight of an atom on the earth or in heaven. And not the smallest and not the greatest of these things but are recorded in clear Record.
Posted by Abdelmonem at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Dream with me
Dream with me
Of a tomorrow that's coming
And if it doesnt come
We will bring it ourselves
We will start walking on our path
Our many footsteps will lead us to our dream
No matter how many times we fall
We will be able to rise again
Find the way through, challenge and defy the dark clouds
We'll find our night transformed into a thousand days
Only if we dream
Dream with me my friend
Our footsteps will shorten the way
I care about my innocent dream
Whatever it may beIt will satand with its soul beside us
No matter how long the way becomes
Even if we become lost, my friend
Our reunion will gather us in embrace
Toward our dreamOnly if we dream
Posted by Abdelmonem at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Resala - Egypt's Leading NGO
Resala is an Egyptian NGO that was established in October 2000 after the completion of its first branch in Faisal, Giza, Egypt. Today Resala boasts 32 branches all over Egypt and some 75 thousand volunteers. Each Resala branch offers 17 different activities to help people in the community.
Early Beginnings
The idea behind Resala started in 1999 when Dr Sherif, now Chairman of Resala, was delivering a lecture to his Engineering school students at Cairo University as part of an academic course about Work Ethics. At the end of the lecture, student's gathered around him and expressed their desire to take action and not just stand still in front of negative aspects they see in the community. They decided to be positive and start helping out their surrounding community by cleaning up their university, delivering free training courses to their colleagues and helping out in spreading the word about blood donation among their colleagues at the School of Engineering at Cairo University.
Hosting of orphans. Providing orphans with food and shelter in addition to a Big Brother / Big Sister program fueled by volunteers.
Poor Families
Resala provides food and simple furniture for poor families.
1- Sign language training for volunteers.
2- Trips for the deaf.
3- Training for the deaf.
1- Braille training for volunteers.
2- Braille printing.
3- Printed book to recorded tape service for the blind done by volunteers.
4- Trips for the blind.
5- Computer training for the blind.
Children with Special Needs
1- Speech lessons.
2- Computer training.
3- Motor skills practice.
Collection of used paper and cardboard for reuse.
SalesSimple products with the Resala label on it are sold such as mugs, tissue paper and other objects. This helps spread the word about Resala as well as create some income to be used for charity.
regularly reserves booths at exhibitions and sport clubs to advertise its a activities through direct contact with prospective volunteers and/or donors. During the exhibition, Resala volunteers distribute flayers and provide volunteer application forms as well as donor application forms to those interested. Moreover, they sell Resala products during the exhibition.
HandiworkProviding handiwork training for volunteers.Sales of handiwork crafts with the profit reused for charity at Resala.
Used Clothes
Collecting used clothes and reselling it for very low prices at poor neighborhoods through short 3-day exhibitions. The money from the sales goes back to Resala for spending in charity.
Literacy Training
Teaching adults how to read and write. Training is delivered by volunteers.
Charity Dish
Any person may donate food to Resala. The food is then provided to those benefiting from the various Resala activities such as those attending literacy courses or children taking free private lessons at Resala.
Charity Errand
Volunteers may elect to offer a free drive to blind or sick people or for other charity errands at Resala. Whenever a need for such a service arises, an employee at Resala responsible for such activity calls volunteers who have signed up for this activity to check who is available from them and asks him or her if he could provide the free ride they are in need of.
Computer Training
Each Resala branch has a computer lab in which capable volunteers provide free computer training in various computer fields to whoever would like to attend the courses.
School LessonsResala volunteers provide free private lessons to school students in various school subjects.
Blood Donation
At the first Thursday of every calendar month, Resala volunteers who are interested in and capable of blood donation gather at the various Resala branches to donate their blood.
Blood Bank
Interested volunteers may decide to include their name, contact information and blood type in a database at Resala. Whenever a case comes up that is in need for blood transfusion, a Resala employee checks the database for volunteers with matching blood types and calls them to see who can be available to donate his or her blood for the case that has showed up.
Green Resala
Each volunteer interested in the Green Resala activity brings a potted plant and keeps it at Resala after writing his or her name on the pot. The volunteer then comes to check on his or her plant at Resala and take care of it.
Funding Needed
Donations Resala accepts regular fixed monthly donations. A Resala representative collects the fixed monthly donation each month from the donor's house. A Resala employee first calls the donor at home to make sure he or she is ready for donation and will be available to collect the donation from him or her. The Resala representative provides a stamped receipt to the donor upon collecting the fixed monthly donation.
Resala has land in Mekattam for building a hospital.
Resala has land in Mekattam for building a school for children with special needs and regular children.
Dr Sherif Abdel Azim
Dr Sherif Abdel Azim is Chairman of Resala. He is a Lecturer at the School of Engineering, Cairo University. He also lectures at the AUC (American University in Cairo). Dr Sherif conducts regular visits to the different Resala branches, specially to those in Cairo, delivering an introductory session to new volunteers during each visit.
How you Can HelpYou can:
1- Donate blood
2- Deliver computer training
3- Deliver lessons to school children
4- Deliver literacy training
5- Read and tape record books for the blind
6- Teach the deaf
7- Train children with special needs
8- Offer free drives
9- Offer a charity dish
10- Sell Resala products
11- Classify used clothes at Resala
12- Sell used clothes at Resala exhibitions
13- Distribute food bags in poor families
14- Explore poor families
15- Donate a fixed monthly donation to one or more of these three activities at Resala: orphans; 16- poor families and/or other.
LEAVE comment for more information
Posted by Abdelmonem at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Apply @ MSFT
So you’ve decided you want to be a blue badge? Find a job you want and apply today!
Posted by Abdelmonem at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Download Oracle OpenWorld 2008 .NET and Windows Slides and Sample Code
Download the .NET and Windows slides and sample code for Oracle Database!
Posted by Abdelmonem at 3:29 PM 0 comments